Monday, November 24, 2008

Kids. My kids. They crack me up! I love how they play together! And believe it or not, they were actually sharing this little wagon/bucket on wheels. They are both getting to the age where they either love each other or hate each other. Luckily for me, they love to hug. When I look at these pictures, I cant help but burst out laughing. In the first picture, Darren looks like he is ready to dump Jaycee right out of the wagon. But my favorite has to be the second picture. I love both of their facial expressions! They both keep me going. They both make me laugh. I couldn't imagine having one and not the other. They definitely belong as brother and sister. All in all, I just love the heck out of these two! I couldn't ask for better kids.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween 2008

The kids had a great Halloween this year! For the first time it seemed like they both really had a grip on what the whole candy/trick or treating thing was all about. Darren got tons of candy and definitely was not shy about going up and asking for candy. It took Jaycee a couple times of me walking with her and holding her hand before she got the hang of it. They both scored in the candy department.
After trick or treating, we went to the kids Uncle Michael's house. They got to play games for prizes and have lots of good food. Of course, of all the kids left standing at 1:30 the morning after, it was mine. The last picture is how Jaycee woke up the next morning. A little candy covered sucker face.
Darren put it just like it is: "Now that Halloween is over, time to get ready for Thanksgiving!"