Sunday, September 21, 2008

Guess what Monday is?

Monday. Normally there is nothing significant about any old Monday, but this Monday is a little different. Monday marks the first day of Fall! That's right, Fall! Now, I love the Arizona sun, swimming, tanning, laying out all day in the sun, but one can get a little tired of the heat after a while. This time, every year, I look forward to the weather starting to cool a bit. There is nothing more perfect than a crisp morning with the warm sun beating down. I love that the kids will bring their blankets out and "snuggle buggles" on the couch. I love to see them all cozy in warm sweaters. Beanies on their little heads, warm socks, stuffed animals in bed with them at night. I love bundling them up with sweaters and gloves and enjoying the changing of the leaves. Thanksgiving is my favorite time of year and its just right around the corner. The more time that passes, the more I look forward to these kinds of Holidays, seeing them through the kids eyes. I love that they get to be around all their family again and make more memories. I know that they wont remember a lot of it until they are a bit older, but you know I will be there with camera in hand! Most people think that I am WAY snap happy, quick on the trigger and always camera ready. Most people would be right! But I like to think of my camera craze/obsession as my link to the past, my memories caught, the things that my eyes and mind will soon forget, I can look back on and be reminded. So as my second favorite time of year makes it way around, you bet I will be there to capture all those memories for not only me, but for my kids. Bring on the cold!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Did I mention I love him?

Today is my sweet little Dare Bears 4th birthday! I cant believe that he is been in my life for so long now. Michael and I were watching some old videos of Darren as a new born and it just amazes me how far he has come. He is a full fledged boy! When Darren was born, he stayed in the NICU for 5 days do to a hemorrhage in his head. He gave us quite the scare! Never could I have imagined just how much this little man was going to change my life. Darren enjoys T-Ball, swimming, fishing, camping, hiking, playing in the dirt, baking, coloring, riding horses, catching frogs and reading. Darren is the silliest little boy I know. He always makes me laugh with the things that he comes up with. He is definitely going to be my little class clown! Now, Darren is ready for school, growing like a weed and the most awesome big brother, son, cousin, nephew, grandson, and friend that anyone could ever ask for. So here is to Darren, Happy Birthday Bubba! And thank you for 4 years of the most priceless memories.
YOUR # 1 Fans,
Dad, Mom and Jaycee